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Real Estate Agents Closing 12 to 15 Sales a year

Install this Agent AI Assistant and I'll GUARANTEE You 10 New Client Appointments Per Month or YOU DON'T PAY

Without Constantly Chasing Leads, Being Chained to the phone or computer, Juggling Messages, Emails, or Notes, Getting Rejected Daily or Pestering potential clients ...And Best of All It Works In Any Market

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What is the Agent AI Formula™?

The Agent AI Formula™ is an artificial Intelligence Assistant for real estate agents, that allows you to build a sustainable long term real estate business and that generates new clients on demand and automatically without your presence or attention.

We achieve this by creating a "client acquisition machine" that works for you 24/7 where your only job is to oversee the system, not chase new clients.

And as a result...this free's you up to live and enjoy your life while the business works for you - this is the Agent A.I. Formula™.

Only A Few Days Left

This Offer Expires in:

Crazy, Low Price of $197 a Month

Install The Agent AI Assistant for just $197 a month! Delivered instantly. Start using it today

Now Available For Instant Download


100% secure 256-bit encrypted checkout

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

The Agent AI Formula

is a Shortcut

Before I created the Agent AI Formula™ - I was struggling with my real estate business for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I was working 60-80 hour weeks, chasing and talking to clients at all hours of the day - including weekends.

I built myself a job I never signed up for.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire real estate client acquisition model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of "running a business".

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I I turned my Agent A.I. Assistant into a machine that books clients appointments without me.

Now, you have the opportunity to install the Agent A.I. Formula I built in your business for $97 a month.

Here's how it works:



The Agent AI Assistant™

Completely built for you. All that's left to do is modify a few parameters and connect to your lead source. Installed for you. It's already generated 1000's of new clients for other agents all over the country and is responsible for $1,000,000's in GCI...



The Agent Social Formula™

A NEW and incredibly effective type of invisible funnel that generate leads from social media for you 24/7, 365 days a year without having to do a thing. This social media funnel has generated to 200 leads a month in my business for $2 to $5 each. Installed for you


The Client Indoctrination System™

This email sequence is designed to immediately connect your prospects to you. The first 3 emails you send to any prospects are CRITICAL because it will define whether your prospect is going to pay attention or ignore you. It's essential you get these first 3 outgoing emails right or your prospects will not open or read anything you send them in the future. Installed for you


The Agent Pre-suasion Framework™

The exact framework I use in my own business for rapid influence and to eliminate all resistance. Now that you have appointments lined-up it's super important that you know what to way, when and how to say it to remove all resistance to your prospects signing the agreement. I personally invested close to $50,000 in trainings to learn this framework from some of the best in the sales game. Yours FREE


The Automatic Appointment Reminder Sequence™

The biggest problem is sales are no-show appointments. Not only they're disappointing but also waste your precious time. I created the A.A.R system for that reason and went from a 50% show rate to 76% literally overnight. Don't let all your hard work up until now go to waste because of no-shows. Installed for you so you never miss an opportunity


The No-Show Re-booker™

And for the few occasions when a prospect no-shows, I'm also including the automatic no-show re-booker™. Once you mark an appointment as no-show it automatically reaches out to the prospect and re-books him for a later date. It will rebook 2 out of 5 no-shows in average adding $10,000's to your GCI.


Clients & Features

Here's How I Went From Struggling To Close 15 Deals a Year Working 60 Hours a Week To Acquiring New Clients automatically By Installing the Agent AI Formula™, And rewriting the rules of prospecting and nurturing leads

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The 2 Hour Agency...

Dear Future Agent A.I. Formula User

From: The laptop of Eric Auger

Re: Stuck at 12 to 15 deals a year? (this is for you)

Surprised to see a $97/Month price tag on something like this?

I thought you might be...

Would it surprise you even more to learn, that agents all over the country close 25+ deals a year while having more time to themselves using the Agent A.I. Formula?


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)


Install The Agent A.I. Formula In Your Business Today Completely Risk-Free

And if you don't close more sales as a result, simply email me at [email protected] and I'll give your money back, no questions asked...

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of 23 years experience helping people buy and sell homes.

The average person who buys any “done for you” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All business entails committing money, taking risk as well as consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please LEAVE THIS PAGE.

And yes, it took me time and energy to get everything setup, configured and going…

...But once up and running - I’m able to oversee the whole operation with very little time and work on my part.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

I Did It By Automating My Client Acquisition Process And I’m About To Share With You How On This Very Page…

The same client acquisition model that other agents from all over the US and Canada are now using to get clients…

...Delegating 90% of their workload...

...And best of all booking new clients appointments on total autopilot so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

Which is causing already successful agents to close 25+ deals a year while buying back their personal time…


…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t focus on chasing leads.

  • We don’t focus on prospecting daily.

  • We don’t focus on following-up.

  • We don’t get rejected or even worse ghosted.

  • We don’t pester potential clients.

In fact: we rarely (if ever) talk to prospects until they tell us they're ready to have a conversation.

Instead We Setup Systems That Automate Most Of The Prospecting and Nurturing Tasks...

Like I said...

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for your real estate career…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Agent A.I. Formula™ model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my business…

  • Like trying to find new leads all the time to keep the business afloat...

  • Prospecting and trying to get some who’d be interested in what I have to offer.

  • Or soul crushing “meetings” that are always at the clients convenience

  • Cold calling expired or circle prospecting pitching my services (never getting anywhere)…

  • Free "Home Showings" - which usually end up in “we’ll get back to you”...

  • ​Or sitting at open houses that end up with "thank you for your time..."

The Agent A.I. Formula Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Create A Business, Where I Regained Control of My Time And Doing Things

I Enjoy Doing

There’s a saying you might have heard:

Work to live. Don’t live to work.

So with that in mind...

Here’s what my digital business looked like before (and If you’ve ever ran a digital agency, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Agency Of Doom”:

  • Step 1 - The agent prospects for new business. Things like cold calling, door knocking, farming, buying leads or asking for referrals (Hoping to find someone who is interested in their service)

  • Step 2 - The agent starts calling leads 3, 4, 5... 10 times a day hoping they'll give in and finally pick up the phone

  • Step 3 - The agent sends canned emails, letters and text messages about stuff they think's going to make them want to talk

  • Step 4 - The agent spends hours nurturing leads with more calls, text messages and emails handling 100's of leads for hours everyday to talk to a handful of them

  • Step 5 - The agent follows-up daily with the few leads that engaged in a conversation but weren't ready at the time

  • Step 6 - prospects deflects with something along the lines of I am not sure, markets going to crash, interests rates are too high or waiting for prices to come down

  • Step 7 - The whole thing fizzles out, and tens of hours end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere

  • Step 8 - Repeat step 5,6 and 7 a few times

  • Step 9 - Start all over again at step 1

The Roller Coaster Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 3 years - forcing me to earn less than $150,000 a year while working my ass off.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole “real estate” idea.

I mean, I could be at a cozy 9-5...

…But before I gave up and closed the doors.

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

But it did take me 3 years to “figure out” and finally perfect it… the point where any agent can run their business on total auto-pilot.

And generating 8-10 brand new clients a month...

And I Put This Entire process In A DOne for you system I call The “agent a.i. formula” And You install It in your business In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Eric Auger.

You may not have heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good…I have a beautiful girlfriend and 4 kids.

I was originally born in In France, but I moved to Florida, when I was 20 years old.

And thanks to my Agent A.I Formula…

I’ve been able to free myself from my business, enjoy life and live a lifestyle I never thought was possible. Here are some photos of me and my family...

So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On april 27th, 2020

It was just after my 48th birthday… and unfortunately, things had gone terribly wrong.

I was making money but didn't keep much of it… and I was always robbing Pierre to pay Paul in order to keep my cash flow going

The crazy part was…

I was closing 12 to 15 deals a year, and making over $150,000 per year.

And just when I thought my life couldn’t get any better…

It all fell apart.

Covid hit, market slowed down, prices kept going up, then inflation and interest rates shot through the roof...

All of a sudden I couldn't find enough new clients, and my income went to zero.

I thought about branching out but I had no other skills.

I didn’t want to continue being at the mercy of the market…

It was a real grind.

Long hours, prospects deflecting, delaying, or ghosting me...

I knew there had to be a better option.

I even thought about going back to college to get a degree…

And a steady 9 - 5 job… just like I was told to do at school.

But after 20 years working for myself…

I knew it'd be a hard pill to swallow.

And if I wanted a life of freedom, fun and adventure, college is almost never the answer...

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right…

I ended up sticking with it And Soon Realized That I Hated It…

I hated it because I knew if I kept doing what I do - that would become my identity and all my hopes, goals and dreams would be put aside.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations...I wanted more out of life...

...and selling my life to close 15 deals working 60 hours a week wasn't going to work.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I found it.

I stumbled upon an event that was running in Los Angeles, teaching “Digital Marketing”.

The event was sharing the latest strategies you could use to help get customers online.

The event was run by a successful marketer, who was traveling the world, while making more money than I could imagine by selling their marketing services.

This was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more and more I found that everything he taught would be easily applied to real estate.

I didn't have the skills to be a "marketer".

I mean… I didn’t have any marketing skills at all

So I decided to dive in head first.

A Few Years Later Artifical Intelligence Became "A Thing"

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing not just the real estate industry but just about every industries...

Just think about it:

How much time do you spend on repetitive tasks?

How many hours a week do you spend "working for free"?

How many hours a day do you spend trying to initiate conversations with people who don't want to talk to you yet?

How many times a day do you find yourself discouraged, forcing yourself to do things you hate?

How often do you run out of marketing content ideas?

You see there is an endless list of ways that a artificial intelligence can liberate you, and that list grows all the time.

Marrying artificial intelligence and marketing was the perfect model for me...

And that was the birth of

the agent a.i. formula

After doing a bit of research - I realized I wasn't the only one needing a new approach and I started a building the Agent A.I. Assistant™ and the Agent Social Formula™.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Agent a.i. formula And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

I get clients to come to me, instead of me going to them...


I don't talk to anyone until they want to talk to me

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get a client, here’s what it looks like now..

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

We get a consistent flow of new clients and more time to serve them in the most profound manner possible

And the best part is that I've been able to eliminate time wasting and sould draining endless prospecting, and follow-up

The really cool thing is that...

It's an automated process that runs 24/7 and generates clients every month...

How many real estate agents have you seen come and go through the years?

80 to 90% quit after 2 years, of the 20% left about 90% earns less than $150,000 after 2 years and less than 3% earn $200,000 or more

The odds are stacked against you

Unless you stop doing what everybody else is doing

I am going to share something painful but true...

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake 97% of agents make is investing most of their time in activities that produce no income

Here's Why:

There are 2 types of real estate agents out there.

There are the "hustlers" and there are the "entrepreneurs"

For my first 10 years in the business, I was a glorified hustler who happened to get lucky

Hustlers are always trying to line up the next deal so they can make a quick buck.

Their strategy is to try to overwork everydbody

And by focusing on this strategy, they spend a ton of time on...

  • Chasing new leads all the time

  • Cold calling expireds or FSBO

  • Constantly prospecting for new business

  • being chained to their computers and phones

  • Juggling countless emails, SMS and messages

  • Getting rejected 80%+ of the time

  • Pestering potential clients

All of this requires time and energy

The problem isn't the business model itself as it's a fact it's gotten you in the 5% that earns $150,000.

The problem as a hustler is that as your business grows, so does your workload...

On one hand, you're focused on getting new clients and on the other hand you're too busy serving clients you've signed up.

As a result, this eventually causes you to be unable to take on new clients.

And this is the exact same thing that happened to me before I figured out the Agent A.I. Formula

The solution?

automate all tasks that do not produce revenue and build systems that work for you

That's right...

Because I rather get new clients in my sleep, than doing busy work for free

No thanks! I've tried it and it sucks!

So here's the idea...

So Here's the big idea behind the agent a.i. formula

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

20% of real estate agents are doing 80% of the business.

80% agents are fighting for remaining 20% of the business

This is a massive problem because when you're part of the 80% you spend your days fighting for crumbs. You'll NEVER win this game...

If that's you and you spend your days chasing leads, pestering prospects, sending canned content, or asking for referrals...

You are creating massive resistance in your prospect's minds and quite honestly it is completely useless because...

Prospects will not engage until they're ready and will look at you as a nuisance until they give you permission to communicate with them.

that's right - until they give you permission to communicate with them you're a nuisance

And that's where the Agent A.I. Formula comes in...

It engages and re-engages prospects for you 24/7, at perfect intervals and with the perfect message.

It has analyzed over 40,000 sales conversations and processes in seconds what a human couldn't in a lifetime.

Which means it always piece together the perfect answer or message

And once it identifies hot buyers or sellers, it automatically books an appointment in your schedule.

It notifies and gives you a condensed version of the conversation that took place, so that when you meet you can pick up where it left off seamlessly

And it does this beautifully in 6 steps...

And that’s the difference here.

When you install the Agent A.I. Formula in your business - it becomes scalable

A client acquired manually by YOU is going to be limited by your input, and you only have 24 hours in a day.

I am not saying the old ways are bad

What I am saying is what go you to 12 to 15 deals a year is also what's keeping you there.

If you want financial freedom and freedom of time you need to do something different.

And that's why the Agent A.I. Formula's different, because it works for you and turns your real estate business into a scalable enterprise

And you know what? i'll stake my entire reputation on this one promise

You can try the agent A.I. formula completely risk-free. If you install it in your business and do not close more sales as a result, I'll refund your money no questions asked!

Once you start using the Agent A.I. Formula, getting new clients and serving them is going to be different than what you're used to...

Because your business will be scalable, predictable and less consuming of your time!

and just a few years ago... i'd tell you that you're crazy of you'd ever believed such a model existed...

...But today I know better.


Agents all over the country are using this formula right now...

It took me 14 months to "figure this out..."

And another 4 to fine tune it

Which is safe to say you can learn from my failures, mistakes and wins.

Just install the Agent A.I. formula in your business today an test drive it risk free

That's it...

But the one thing I didn't mention about the Agent A.I. formula that sets it apart from everything else is that...

HEre's the entire formula you get access to:

  • Step 1 - Automate your lead engagement and conversion with the Agent A.I. Assistant

  • Step 2 - Turn the Agent Social Formula on to generate buyers and sellers leads on demand for $2 to $5 a lead

  • Step 3 - Feed it all your new leads and old leads so it can start re-engaging them

  • Step 4 - Watch appointments appearing in your schedule

  • Step 5 - Enroll them in the Automatic Appointment Reminders to increase your show up rate to more than 80%

  • Step 6 - Learn the Agent Pre-suasion Framework to use in your conversation to pre-handle all objections and melt resistance

  • Step 7 - Show up at the appointment

  • Step 8 - Walk away with a new signed agreement and start over

Those are the 8 steps to freedom and having an amazing real estate business.

All of this is revealed in the Agent A.I. Formula in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to running a scalable business for the agent that seeks freedom, the ability to grow, and the choice to spend your time on things that you want.

And that's not all, because...

Here's What Else You're Going To Discover In the agent a.i. formula

  • How to generate all the leads you'll ever need on social media for a few bucks each (So you never have to depend on overpriced lead gen companies that scam you of you hard earned commissions by sending you poor leads)

  • How to become omnipresent in your prospects online life (So over the course of time they get to know you, appreciate your skills, recognize you as a mover in your market and eventually want you and nobody else to help them which means you can easily double your conversion rate)

  • How to create content that resonates with your prospects and make them feel like you're talking directly to them (So you can finally see your social media content produce $)

  • What to say and how to say it to turn prospects in happy paying clients (So you never have to be stunned by objections or have to discount your fee to get them to sign)

And Before You Install the Agent A.I. Formula

I Want You To Know
That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges 10 times more

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you the Agent A.I. formula for $97 a month (and you can cancel at anytime), as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this formula for $399 a month,
but that meant I had to spend a lot more in advertising.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

By Lowering The Price To $97/Month It Allows Me To Impact More People And Help Them Start, Grow And Scale Their real estate business

I consider that a true win/win...

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the results so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me.

Pretty straightforward.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

But this guarantee is unlike anything you’ve seen before.

In fact, I think it's …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World


Here's the world's best guarantee.

You can instal the entire Agent A.I. Formula in your business today for $97 a month (cancel at anytime)

If you don't close more sales as a result, email me at [email protected] and I'll refund your money, no questions asked

Not only that, but I will also let you keep it and bonuses for free.

I want you to know I have no incentive in "selling" you something that's not going to deliver the results I promised because that means I'd have to refund your money...

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

This Offer Expires In:

So Here's How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you'll be starting with the Agent A.I. Formula in the next 2 minutes

Included in your order:


The Agent A.I. Assistant™

Completely built for you. All that's left to do is modify a few parameters and connect to your lead source. Installed for you. It's already generated 1000's of new clients for other agents all over the country and is responsible for $1,000,000's in GCI...


The Agent Social Formula™

A NEW and incredibly effective type of invisible funnel that generate leads from social media for you 24/7, 365 days a year without having to do a thing. This social media funnel has generated to 200 leads a month in my business for $2 to $5 each. Installed for you


Sales Conversation Pre-suasion Framework™

The exact framework I use in my own business for rapid influence and to eliminate all resistance. Now that you have appointments lined-up it's super important that you know what to way, when and how to say it to remove all resistance to your prospects signing the agreement. I personally invested close to $50,000 in trainings to learn this framework from some of the best in the sales game. Yours FREE


The Client Indoctrination System™

This email sequence is designed to immediately connect your prospects to you. The first 3 emails you send to any prospects are CRITICAL because it will define whether your prospect is going to pay attention or ignore you. It's essential you get these first 3 outgoing emails right or your prospects will not open or read anything you send them in the future. Installed for you


The A.A.R. System™

The biggest problem is sales are no-show appointments. Not only they're disappointing but also waste your precious time. I created the A.A.R system for that reason and went from a 50% show rate to 76% literally overnight. Don't let all your hard work up until now go to waste because of no-shows. Installed for you so you never miss an opportunity


The No-Show Re-booker™

And for the few occasions when a prospect no-shows, I'm also including the automatic no-show re-booker™. Once you mark an appointment as no-show it automatically reaches out to the prospect and re-books him for a later date. It will rebook 2 out of 5 no-shows in average adding $10,000's to your GCI.

Here's What's Included:

  • Install the Agent A.I. Assistant trained to convert leads into clients (without having to lift a finger and not only that it also works for you 24/7, 265 days a year which means you'll never to talk to anyone until they're ready to talk to you)

  • Copy and paste the exact Ads I've used in my own business to generate 100's of leads every month and for $2 to $8 each (so you never have to rely on overpriced lead gen companies which means you can get more leads for less $ every single months)

  • Discover the exact step-by-step process for becoming omnipresent in your prospects' online life for less than $2 a day (so they think you're spending a fortune on marketing which means you must be very succesfull)

  • Discover the 6 types of contents you need to use in your social media strategy to build relationships at scale with your prospect (without having to do a thing once the content is created)

  • Discover the exact A.I. prompts I use to generate high quality, relevant content for weeks at a time (so you don't have to stare at your computer wondering what you could talk about)

  • Learn the unique sales conversation framework I use in my own business to pre-handle objections and melt all resistance to signing an agreement (You'll never walk into another appointment nervous or unsure what you need to say and skyrocket your appointment to signed agreement closing rate)

  • Install with 1 click the exact appointment reminder sequence that gets 85%+ of my appointments to show up (eliminating the frustrating and time wasting no-shows

  • Start bonding your prospects to you the moment they answer your ad using the unique email indoctrination sequence I created (So your emails and text messages get opened and read which means you'll double your chances of turning them into clients)

  • Install the very no-show rebooking sequence I've used to increase my revenue by 19% by making sure no prospect ever falls through the cracks

Install The Agent A.I. Formula

A "Eric, You're Joking" Price Of $97/Month

(Save $202/Month)

Install the Agent A.I. Formula For $97/Month
Delivered instantly. Start Immediately

Available For Instant Download

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

The agent A.I. formula is for real estate agents who close 12 to 15 deals and year and who want to get to 25 or more while regaining controld of their time.

What's the Agent A.I. Formula?

The agent A.I. Formula is an A.I Assistant trained to engage, connect and commit prospects to appointments without you having to lift a finger. Combined with the Agent Social Formula, a new and invisible social media funnel that generates leads and makes you omnipresent in your prospects' online life so you become the only agent they'll think about.

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

You're getting the agent A.I. assistant installed for you and ready to run in a matter of hours. You get my copy and paste social media ads swipe file and all the A.I. prompts I use to create weeks of high quality social media content in no time. You also get access to weekly Q&A sessions with me so you're never on your own. Best of all, what you get a hands off automated system that produces clients on demand and that's completely scalable

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Generally all the other stuff out there is created by people who've never sold a house in their life and who look at you as a way to make a quick buck. The Agent A.I. Formula is field tested, the Agent A.I. Assistant has been rigorously trained to use little known psychological triggers that get people to say yes.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. I've kept things simple and easy to implement but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

Is there a guarantee?

Yin fact it is the best guarantee in the world. First you can cancel any time, and if you don't close more sales as a result of installing the Agent A.I. formula, simply email [email protected] and I'll refund your money, no questions asked. In other words, you can try it completely risk-free

Install The Agent A.I. Formula

A "Eric, You're Joking" Price Of $97/Month

(Save $202/Month)

Install the Agent A.I. Formula For $97/Month
Delivered instantly. Start Immediately

Available For Instant Download


Kylene installed the Agent A.I. formula and booked 9 appointment in 2 weeks. That puts her on pace to add $45,000 to $60,000 to her production

Robert loaded 76 old and 11 new leads into his Agent A.I. Assistant and booked an eye-popping 8 appointments in 2 1/2 weeks with only 87 leads

Charlotte added 12 appointments to her schedule in juat about 30 days. Best of all, 3 of them were booked while she was on vacation in London.

Brad booked a total of 15 appointments in 45 days. If he was here talking to you he'd tell you that what he likes best is all of the prospects he talked were eager to talk to him which is something he wan't used to with his old ways.

Only $197/Month Today